List of ETFs holding Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc stock
Market and Trading Information for Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc
The following details were available for trading and market data about the stock of Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc as of writing:
Trading Details of Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc (BWG)
Current Share Price:
Previous Year's Closing Price:
Percentage Price Change (YTD):
Market Cap:
$148.78 million
52-week Price Range:
$6.86 - $8.95
Dividend Per Share:
Price-Earnings (Trailing):
Price-Earnings (Forward):
Company Profile and Business Description for Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc
Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc. is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The primary investment objective of the Fund is to provide current income. As a secondary investment objective, the Fund will seek capital appreciation. The Fund seeks to achieve see full details, pleaseLogin / Register to view.
See Full List of ETFs holding Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc stock in their respective portfolios.
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Peer / Competitor Companies of Investment Funds Sector
Along with Legg Mason BW Global Income Opportunities Fund Inc., the following other peer (competitor) companies also exist within the same Investment Funds - Finance sector whose company profile and dividend history is as follows:
▶ Aberdeen Japan Equity Fund (JEQ): Aberdeen Japan Equity Fund, Inc. is a close ended equity mutual fund launched and managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited. It invests in the public equity markets of Japan. The fund invests ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Advent Claymore Convertible Securities Fund (AVK): Advent Claymore Convertible Securities and Income Fund (the Fund) is a diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Funds investment objective is to provide total return through a combination of capital ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Alliance National Municipal Income Fund (AFB): AllianceBernstein National Municipal Income Fund, Inc., formerly Alliance National Municipal Income Fund, Inc., is a diversified closed-end management investment company. It seeks to provide high current income exempt from regular ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Alliance World Dollar Government Fund II (AWF): AllianceBernstein Global High Income Fund, Inc., (the Fund), formerly Alliance World Dollar Government Fund II, Inc. is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. This Fund seeks high current income and ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund (ARDC): Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. is a closed-end, non-diversified, management investment company. The Funds investment objective is to provide a risk adjusted level of total return, primarily through current ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Babson Global Short Duration High Yield Fund (BGH): Barings Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, formerly Babson Capital Global Short Duration High Yield Fund, is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Funds primary investment objective is to ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BlackRock California Municipal Income Trust (BFZ): BlackRock California Municipal Income Trust (the Trust) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Trusts investment objective is to provide current income exempt from regular federal income taxes and ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Capital Strategies Fund (CII): BlackRock Enhanced Capital and Income Fund, Inc. (the Fund), formerly BlackRock Capital and Income Strategies Fund, Inc., is a diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund seeks to provide current ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK): BlackRock Core Bond Trust (the Trust) is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Trusts objective is to provide high current income together with capital appreciation. The Trust will invest ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust (BTZ): BlackRock Preferred and Equity Trust (the Trust) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Trusts investment objective is to seek current income, current gains and capital appreciation. The Trusts ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund (DSU): BlackRock Debt Strategies Fund, Inc. (the Fund), formerly Debt Strategies Fund, Inc., is a diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund seeks to provide current income by investing primarily in ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BlackRock Energy and Resources Trust (BGR): BlackRock Global Energy and Resources Trust (the Trust) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Trust?ÇÖs investment objective is to provide total return through a combination of current income ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ): BlackRock Enhanced Dividend Achievers Trust (the Trust) is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Trust?ÇÖs primary investment objective is to seek current income and current gains, with a secondary ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund (EGF): BlackRock Enhanced Government Fund, Inc. (the Fund), formerly known as Enhanced Government Fund, Inc., is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Fund seeks to provide current income and gains ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund Inc (FRA): BlackRock Floating Rate Income Strategies Fund, Inc. is a diversified closed-end management investment company. The Fund seeks current income and preservation of capital. It utilizes leverage through borrowings.BlackRock Floating Rate ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ Blackrock Florida Municipal 2020 Term Trust (BFO): BlackRock Florida Municipal 2020 Term Trust (the Trust) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Trust?ÇÖs investment objective is to provide current exempt from federal income tax and Florida ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BLACKROCK INTERNATIONAL (BGY): BlackRock International Growth and Income Trust (the Trust) is a closed-end management investment company. The Trusts primary investment objective is to provide current income and current gains, with a secondary ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BlackRock Investment Quality Municipal Trust (BKN): BlackRock Investment Quality Municipal Trust Inc., incorporated on November 19, 1992, is an investment management company. The Company?ÇÖs objective is to provide high current income exempt from regular federal income ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BlackRock Long-Term Municipal Advantage Trust (BTA): BlackRock Long-Term Municipal Advantage Trust (the Trust) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Trust?ÇÖs investment objective is to provide current income, which in the opinion of bond counsel ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History
▶ BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT): BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (the Trust) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Trusts investment objective is to provide current income, current gains and capital appreciation. The Trust has ....See Detailed Company Profile, Dividend History