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List of Tax Advantage Mutual Funds of USA 2021

Updated Sep 16, 2021

USA Mutual Funds Screener:

This article presents the list of the U.S. mutual funds (MF) whose units/shares are available for trading and investments on the leading American trading venues like the NASDAQ, and which are categorized under the Tax Advantage subsector or category or follow that particular index. While new-age offerings like ETFs are becoming popular, the age-old mutual funds continue to remain among the investors favorite. They offer the benefits of diversification, single low-cost investment and ease of tracking. Select the appropriate Mutual Fund from the below available list of Tax Advantage category of the U.S. capital markets.
Following is the list of all 3 mutual funds that FKnol has in its database which belong to the Tax Advantage category:

List of All Tax Advantage Mutual Funds

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Short DescriptionCurrent
%YTD GainsExpense Ratio
Sorted by Year-to-Date % Gains. Click on the arrow buttons to sort the table as per the desired column
1.Robinson Tax Advantaged Income Fund Institutional Class (ROBNX)The mutual fund is designed total return with an emphasis on providing current income, a substantial portion of which will be exempt from federal income ...Detailed Profile
2.Robinson Tax Advantaged Income Fund Class A (ROBAX)The fund works with an aim total return with an emphasis on providing current income, a substantial portion of which will be exempt from federal income ...Detailed Profile
3.Robinson Tax Advantaged Income Fund Class C (ROBCX)The mutual fund is designed total return with an emphasis on providing current income, a substantial portion of which will be exempt from federal income ...Detailed Profile

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USA Mutual Funds Screener:

Other Category Mutual Funds

▶ Mutual Funds of 15-30 Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 2x Leveraged Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 30-50 Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 40-60 Portfolio Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 50-70 Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 60-40 Portfolio Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 70-85 Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of 85-plus Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of APAC-ex-Japan Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Absolute Return Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Africa Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Africa and Middle East Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Aggressive Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alabama Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of All Cap Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternative Credit Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternative Energy Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternative Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternative Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternative Return Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternative Strategies Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Alternatives Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Arizona Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Arkansas Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Asia Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Asset Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Australia Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Balanced Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Balanced Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Bank Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Basic Materials Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Bear Market Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Biotech Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Blend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Bond Index Category

▶ Mutual Funds of California Category

▶ Mutual Funds of California Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of California Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Canada Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Capital Appreciation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Carolina Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of China Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class A Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class B Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class C Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class D Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class E Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class F Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class H Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class I Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class J Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class K Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class L Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class M Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class N Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class O Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class P Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class R Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class S Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class T Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class W Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class Y Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Class Z Category

▶ Mutual Funds of College Fund Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Colorado Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Commodities Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Commonwealth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Connecticut Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Conservative Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Conservative Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Conservative Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Convertibles Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Core Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Core Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Core Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Corporate Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Covered Call Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Defensive Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Defensive Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Developing Companies Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Developing Countries Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Diversified Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Diversified APAC Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Diversified Emerging Markets Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Diversified Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Dividend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Dividend Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Dow Jones Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Dynamic Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Dynamic Asset Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of EMEA Category

▶ Mutual Funds of ESG Category

▶ Mutual Funds of EU Stocks Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Emerging Europe Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Emerging Markets Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Emerging Markets Bonds Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Emerging Markets Bonds Local Currency Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Energy Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Energy Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Energy Limited Partnership Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Enhanced Return Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Enhanced Volatility Category

▶ Mutual Funds of EuroPacific Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Europe Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Event Driven Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Extended Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Finance Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Fixed Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Flexible Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Flexible Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Floating Rate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Florida Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Foreign Large Blend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Foreign Large Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Foreign Large Value Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Foreign Small Mid Blend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Foreign Small Mid Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Foreign Small Mid Value Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Fund of Funds Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Georgia Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Global Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Global Real Estate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Gold Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Government Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Hawaii Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Healthcare Category

▶ Mutual Funds of High Dividend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of High Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of High Yield Category

▶ Mutual Funds of High Yield Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of High Yield Muni Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Hybrid Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Idaho Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Income Builder Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Index Fund Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Inflation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Inflation Managed Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Inflation Protected Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Inflation Strategy Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Infrastructure Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Intermediate Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Intermediate Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Intermediate Government Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Intermediate Term Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Inverse Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Investment-Grade Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Israel Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Japan Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Kansas Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Kentucky Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Korea Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Large Blend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Large Cap Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Large Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Large Value Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Leveraged Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Lifestyle Conservative Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Lifetime Portfolio Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Limited Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Local Currency Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Long Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Long Government Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Long Term Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Long-Short Credit Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Long-Short Equity Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Louisiana Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Low Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Low Volatility Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Maine Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Major Markets Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Managed Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Managed Futures Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Managed Volatility Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Market Neutral Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Maryland Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Massachusetts Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Metals Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Michigan Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Micro Cap Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Mid Cap Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Mid Cap Blend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Mid Cap Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Mid Cap Value Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Middle East Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Minerals Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Minnesota Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Miscellenous Regions Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Mississippi Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Missouri Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Moderate Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Moderate Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Moderate Fund Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Moderate Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Moderately Aggressive Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Moderately Conservative Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Momentum Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Montana Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Multi Alternative Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Multi Asset Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Multi Currency Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Multi Sector Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Multi-Manager Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Multi-Strategy Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni California Intermediate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni California Long Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Massachussets Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Minnesota Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni National Intermediate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni National Long Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni National Short Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni New Jersey Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni New York Intermediate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni New York Long Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Ohio Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Pennysylvania Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Single State Intermediate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Single State Long Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Muni Single State Short Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Municipal Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Municipal Income Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Municipal Intermediate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of NASDAQ Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Natural Resources Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Nebraska Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of New Mexico Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of New York Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of New York Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of New Zealand Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Non Traditional Bonds Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Nordic Category

▶ Mutual Funds of North Carolina Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Oklahoma Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Opportunities Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Option Writing Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Oregon Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Precious Metal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Preferred Stock Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Preservation Portfolio Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Real Asset Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Real Estate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Real Return Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Retirement Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Return Managed Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Risk Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Russell 1000 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Russell 2000 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Russell 3000 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Russia Category

▶ Mutual Funds of S&P 500 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Senior Floating Rate Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Short Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Short Duration Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Short Duration Government Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Short Term Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Small Blend Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Small Cap Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Small Company Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Small Growth Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Small Mid Cap Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Small Value Category

▶ Mutual Funds of South Carolina Intermediate Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of South Carolina Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Stock Index Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Strategic Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Sustainable Category

▶ Mutual Funds of TIPS Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Tactical Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2020 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2025 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2030 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2035 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2040 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2045 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2050 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2055 Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target 2060 plus Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Target Allocation Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Targeted Return Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Tax Advantage Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Tax Aware Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Tax Free Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Tax Managed Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Tennessee Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Term Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Term Credit Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Term Government Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Total Return Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Treasury Category

▶ Mutual Funds of US Bond Category

▶ Mutual Funds of UltraShort Category

▶ Mutual Funds of United Kingdom Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Utah Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Utilities Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Value Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Virginia Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Volatility Category

▶ Mutual Funds of West Virginia Municipal Category

▶ Mutual Funds of Wisconsin Municipal Category

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